May 25, 2015
#1529: Bracket explain

[A tournament bracket. With the names listed in groups on the left-hand side and right-hand side as shown below. Within individual groups the names are ordered in match-ups, two, three or even four in the first match. The last name on the right, Beyoncé, is not even matched for first round. The winners goes on to the next match, but there are many that skips some of the matches up until the quarterfinals, so some need to win 5 matches to reach the quarterfinals, others only need to win 4 of 3, and Beyoncé only 2. After the first level, the match-ups are always between two names. The two sides join up in a final in the middle, where the winner of the left side has a place for the name below and the winner of the right a place for the name above a central rectangular frame with place for the winners name. Below the pairing in the first round matches are mentioned above each of the clear groupings of the bracket.]
{| class=“wikitable” style=“background:transparent;border:none;width:100%;”
| style=“background:transparent;border:none;"|
[These are paired two and two.]
Louis Armstrong
Neil Armstrong
Lance Armstrong
Stretch Armstrong
[These are paired two and two.]
Jeff Gordan
Jeff Bridges
Jeff Daniels
Jack Daniels
[These are paired two and two.]
Orson Welles
H.G. Wells
George Orwell
Wells Fargo
[The first four, two, three and two are paired.]
Kurt Russell
Russell Brand
Russell Crowe
Russell Simmons
Richard Simmons
Gene Simmons
Gene Hackman
Hugh Jackman
Alan Rickman
Alan Parsons
Alan Partridge
[The first four, three and two are paired.]
Jenny McCarthy
Joseph McCarthy
Eugene McCarthy
Eugene V. Debs
Gene Wilder
Olivia Wilde
Oscar Wilde
Oscar De La Renta
Oscar De La Hoya
[These are paired two and two.]
Jack Nicklaus
Jack Nicholson
Phil Mickelson
Nicholas Nickelby
[These are paired.]
Ryan Adams
Bryan Adams
[These are paired.]
Chubby Checker
Fats Domino
[These are paired two and two.]
Colin Firth
Colin Farrell
Will Ferrell
The Farrelly Brothers
[These are paired.]
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jennifer Love Hewitt
[These are paired two and two.]
Danny Glover
Donald Glover
Donnie Wahlberg
Mark Wahlberg
Mark Ruffalo
Mark Shuttleworth
| style=“background:transparent;border:none;"|
[The first three and two are paired.]
Philip Pullman
Bill Pullman
Bill Paxton
Bill Murray
Dan Aykroyd
[The first two, and then three times three are paired.]
Ginger Rogers
Fred Rogers|Mister/Fred Astaire/Rogers
Mister Spock
Doctor Spock
Doctor Octopus
Doctor Manhattan
Doctor Strangelove
Doctor Strange
Dr. No
The Doctor
Cory Doctorow
[These are paired two and two.]
Jerry Lee Lewis
Jerry Lewis
Jenny Lewis
Xeni Jardin
[These are paired two and two.]
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Pine
Chris Pratt
[These are paired.]
[These are paired.]
Siouxie Sioux
Suzanne Vega
[These are paired.]
Tom Arnold
Arnold Palmer
Amanda Palmer
[These are paired two and two.]
Wes Craven
Wes Anderson
Paul Thomas Anderson
Poul Anderson
[These are paired two and two.]
Sir Walter Scott
Sir Walter Raleigh
Sir Francis Drake
Frank Drake
[The first three, two and two are paired.]
Van Halen
Van Morrison
Van Wilder
Robert Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle
Rip Torn
Natalie Imbruglia
[The first four are paired two and two the last is the only one not paired.]
The Body Shop
Bath and Body Works
Bed Bath and Beyond
Beyond Thunderdome