December 28, 2015
#1622: Henge explain

[Ponytail and Cueball are walking towards two trees from the left (Cueball has just passed the first tree) and Megan is walking towards them from the right. Ponytail spreads her arms while talking.]
Ponytail: One day a year, the sun sets directly between these two trees.
Cueball: Oh, cool - like the Manhattan thing.
[Beat panel without a frame border. Cueball stands alone.]
[Cueball looks at Ponytail and Megan, while shining light appears at the top of the frame. Ponytail walks straight under the light looking up and Megan standing to the right looks up and points at the light.]
Cueball: Wait, isn’t that true every day for pretty much any two trees?
Megan: Shh, here it comes!
[Cueball lifts both arms up and look on as Ponytail bending back suddenly holds a butterfly net up towards the “setting” sun that approaches the net while Megan is holding a bag open. Both are looking at the sun.]
Cueball: Wait, what?
Ponytail: OK, got the bag?
Megan: Yup, grab it!
Ponytail: We’re gonna be rich!