December 18, 2015
#1618: Cold Medicine explain

[Cueball is standing in a drug store, with a drug in his hand he has taken from the shelf he is standing next to. The shelf is labeled.]
Cueball: *Sniffle*
Label: Cold & Flu
[Cueball is standing alone, examining some medicine he is holding up, while having some other medicine in the other hand.]
Cueball: *Cough*
Cueball: *Sniff*
[Cueball continues examining more medicine. Looking down on one in his hand, having another in the other hand and there are also three packages at his feet.]
Cueball: Ughhh…
[Cueball is at the labeled counter in the drug store with computer etc. Ponytail is behind the counter.]
Counter label: Sale
Cueball: Just gimme one of every kind of cold medicine you need ID to buy.
Ponytail: You’ll go on the watchlist for—
Cueball: Don’t care.