September 29, 2014
#1427: iOS Keyboard explain
![More actual results: 'Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You [are the best. The best thing ever]', 'Revenge is a dish best served [by a group of people in my room]', and 'They may take our lives, but they'll never take our [money].' iOS Keyboard](
Movie quotes
[Top picture shows a line typed on an iPhone.]
Elementary, my dear
[Then the next line shows the words suggested by the virtual keyboard.]
Friend | Lord | Friends
[Below are the visible part of keyboard. In the second line only the top of the letters can be seen.]
[Below is a new sub heading above six pictures arranged in two rows.]
According to iOS 8 keyboard predictions
[For each of the six pictures a part of the text is black, and the other part is light grey. Below the black text is written in bold letters.]
[Picture 1: Cueball stands with a machine gun.]
Cueball: Say hello to my little sister and my mom and my dad and my friends
[Picture 2: A girl stands next to her dog with a basket.]
Girl: Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not going to the gym today
[Picture 3: Bond talks to Megan.]
James Bond: Bond, James Bond yields
[Picture 4: A pilot operates his plane and talks to Cueball behind him.]
Pilot: I’m a leaf on the wind. Watch me play the piano
[Picture 5: A guy with dark hair stands behind a jagged edge.]
Goonie: Goonies never say anything
[Picture 6: A dwarf with long beard and helmet stands with an axe.]
Off panel left: You have my sword.
Off panel right: And my bow.
Dwarf: And my dad