September 10, 2014
#1419: On the Phone explain

[Megan is pointing off-panel to the left and looking off-panel to the right.]
Megan: Why is there a teapot in the bathroom?
Off-panel voice (right): Sorry. When I’m on the phone I always zone out and pick stuff up and carry it around.
[Megan is in front of an open fridge, holding a hammer.]
Megan: There’s a hammer in the fridge.
Off-panel voice: Another phone call. I was just fidgeting.
[Megan is walking next to four stacks of household objects: the first has a lightbulb on top of a book, the second has a blender on top of three books, the third has five books (two balanced vertically) with a smaller rectangular object on top, and the fourth has two tennis balls on top of three books.]
Megan: Did you put all our stuff in weird stacks?
Off-panel voice: Long call. Sorry.
[Megan, outside, looks up at a towering straight-sided object.]
Megan: …Why is there a giant obelisk in the backyard?
Off-panel voice: Phone again. My bad.
Megan: It’s carved with prayers to “Ba’al, the Soul-Eater.”
Off-panel voice: Haha! I’m so absentminded.