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August 6, 2014

#1404: Quantum Vacuum Virtual Plasma explain

Quantum Vacuum Virtual Plasma

[Cueball and Megan are walking together in the foreground.]

Cueball: Hear about that “impossible” microwave thruster?

[They stop walking and Cueball turns to face Megan.]

Megan: Yeah. Let me get this straight — they pumped 20 kilowatts into a box under ambient conditions

…and it only twitched a little?

Cueball: Yeah.

[Zoomed out - they are seen in silhouette walking together again.]

Megan: That’s surprising. If you pumped 20 kilowatts into me, I’d twitch a lot.

Cueball: But you’re not pushing on the quantum vacuum.

Megan: I might be. I do a lot of things.

Cueball: I guess we can’t be sure.