August 29, 2014
#1414: Writing Skills explain

[White Hat and Cueball are walking together, White Hat is holding a newspaper or report.]
White Hat: Weird- Another study found that kids who use SMS abbreviations actually score higher on grammar and spelling tests.
Cueball: Why on earth is that a surprise?
[Cueball turns to White hat (who is now out side the frame. Inserted in the frame is a panel showing several kids throwing balls.]
Cueball: Imagine kids suddenly start playing catch literally all the time. Everywhere they go, they throw balls back and forth, toss them in the air, and hurl them at trees and signs- Nearly every waking hour of their lives.
[Cueball talks on while White Hat begins to walk.]
Cueball: Do you think their generation will suck at baseball because they learned sloppy skills?
White Hat: …So you think someone will become a great writer while sexting?
[They walk together.]
Cueball: Have you read James Joyce’s love letters? The phrases “My little fuckbird” and “Arse full of farts” appear. If we want to write Ulysses, our generation may not be sexting enough.
White Hat: Eww.