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July 11, 2014

#1393: Timeghost explain


[Cueball and Megan are approached by a floating ghost]

Timeghost: …ooOOOOOOOOooo… Tiiiime is passiiiing!

Megan: Ugh. Timeghost.

Cueball: Huh?

Megan: Here come the factoids.

[Timeghost floats around.]

Timeghost: Forrest Gump came out closer to the Vietnam War than to the present daaay.

Megan: Go away!

Timeghost: The average new grand-parents are younger than Keanu Reeeeves!

Cueball: That can’t be right…

[Megan clutches her head, possibly attempting to cover her ears.]

Timeghost: Today’s new parents were ten when Eminem got big. Daaaaaad muuuuusic. They remember Simpsons season 5 or 6 at the earliest.

Megan: Argh!

Cueball: How long has it been doing this?

[Megan and Cueball looks up at the Timeghost as it delivers its most scary message.]

Timeghost: The staaaaart of my haunting is now further away than your deaaaths!

Megan: Will you sto- -WHAT!?

Timeghost: ooOOOOOOOoo