June 11, 2014
#1380: Manual for Civilization explain

[Brian Eno is talking to an unseen audience.]
Brian Eno: Hi. I’m music’s Brian Eno, co-founder of the Long Now Foundation.
[Panel 2 shows he is standing on a stage.]
Brian Eno: As part of our mission to promote long-term thinking, we’ve asked experts to help us assemble a collection of books from which civilization can be rebuilt if it ever collapses.
[Panel 3 shows he is holding a manuscript with a long list of book titles.]
Brian Eno: Today we’re sharing the results — the first ever Manual for Civilization.
[Panel 4 shows him reading from the manuscript.]
Brian Eno: *Ahem*
Animorphs #1: The Invasion
Animorphs #2: The Visitor
Animorphs #3: The Encounter
Unseen Audience member: …are they all Animorphs Books?
Brian Eno: No! There’s also Megamorphs and The Andalite Chronicles.