December 31, 2014
#1467: Email explain

[Megan approaches Beret Guy.]
Megan: Any New Year’s resolutions?
Beret Guy: Gonna figure out what email is.
Megan: …Email?
[Megan points to her phone.]
Beret Guy: People always say they’re sending them. They sound really into it, so I always nod, but I have no idea what it is.
Megan: You have an address on your website!
[Megan and Beret Guy walking.]
Beret Guy: Oh, that’s what that thing is.
Megan: Email is important! You can’t just never check it. It’s not like voicemail.
Beret Guy: Can’t they just send messages normally?
Megan: How?
Beret Guy: Fax! Or Snapchat.
Megan: …The naked pic thing?
Beret Guy: Fax machines aren’t just for faxting!