November 26, 2014
#1452: Jurassic World explain

[White Hat holding one hand up in front om him and Megan are walking together.]
White Hat: In Jurassic World, we’ve used genetic engineering to create a better dinosaur.
Megan: Tyrannosaurus is the most charismatic animal that ever lived, and you think you’ll upstage it?
[White Hat now holds both his hands up in front of him as he and Megan walk on.]
White Hat: Tyrannosaurus was cool, but it’s two decades old!
Megan: I think it’s a little older than that.
[In this frame-less panel White Hat points up as they continue to walk.]
White Hat: We took Tyrannosaurus and we improved it. Made it scarier, deadlier, smarter.
White Hat: Look–there it is!
[White Hat (drawn without his hat) and Megan are dwarfed in the bottom left corner as they stare up at a facsimile of the green T-Rex from Dinosaur Comics. They only reach T-Rex to it’s knees.]