October 10, 2014
#1432: The Sake of Argument explain

[Ponytail and Cueball are talking.]
Ponytail: Just for the sake of argument, let’s say that—
Cueball: —wait, for the sake of what?
[Panel zooms to only show Cueball.]
Ponytail: Argument.
Cueball: Ok, cool, that’s totally a good reason to say something that’s wrong. Gotta have arguments.
[Panel returns to original view.]
Ponytail: I’m just playing Devil’s advocate.
Cueball: Ok. So you saw an argument where one side was the Devil, and you were like “Man, that guy could use an advocate.”
Ponytail: It’s…why are you being so difficult?
Cueball: For the sake of argument.
Ponytail: Argh!
Cueball: Yay, it’s working!