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January 27, 2014

#1322: Winter explain


[Cueball and Beret Guy, Cueball in a winter hat and Beret Guy in a beret, are walking through snow and across a patch of ice.]

Beret Guy: The sky is cold and the floor water is too hard to drink.

[Beret Guy looks upwards.]

Beret Guy: But I have my handcoats and the spacelight is warm.

[Beret Guy and Cueball continue on through woods; there are musical notes coming from the trees.]

Beret Guy: Listen—the flappy planes are beeping in the stick towers.

[Cueball pauses.]

Cueball: Those are all the wrong words for those things.

[Beret Guy replies from off panel.]

Beret Guy: Maybe—but the things themselves are all right. So who cares?

[Cueball continues walking, with sunlight and musical notes above.]