August 19, 2013
#1253: Exoplanet Names explain

[Text above the first frame of the comic:]
August 2013:
The International Astronomical Union
decides to start naming exoplanets,
and—for the first time ever—asks for
suggestions from the general public.
They immediately regret this decision.
[Ponytail is facepalming while Megan and Cueball are looking at a computer screen on a desk. Hairbun points to the screen.]
Cueball: Can’t you filter out the worst ones?
Hairbun: This is after the filter!
[Below is a table showing the list of planet names as seen on the computer screen with gray background around the edges of the table.]
[The table is in two separate columns, but there is only headings over the left, so the right column is a direct continuation of the left. In the table it is mentioned when the right column begins. There is a small arrow pointing from the word “Planet” down to the second column of the table. The headings in the comic are not inside the table as they are here below. The text at the bottom of the left list seems to continue on below, at least the last entry is cut below the middle, although it is still easy to read. Similarly the text at the top right list, seems to continue from above, the top entry missing the very top of the text. This is as if the list is much longer and here is just shown part of the list. To further indicate this the first entry in the right list begins at “c” instead of at “b” which is else the case for all other instances.]
{| class=“wikitable”
! Star !! Planet !! Suggested Name
| rowspan=7 |Gliese 667||b||Space Planet
|d||A Star
| rowspan=5 |Tau Ceti||b||Sid Meier’s Tau Ceti B
|c||Giant Dog Planet
|d||Tiny Dog Planet
|e||Phil Plainet
|f||Unicode Snowman
|Gliese 832||b||Asshole Jupiter
| rowspan= 6|Gliese 581||b||Waist-deep Cats
|c||Planet #14
|e||Eternia Prime
|f||Taupe Mars
|g||Jelly-Filled Planet
| rowspan= 2|Epsilon Eridani||b||Skydot
|c||Laser Noises
| rowspan= 2|Gliese 176||b||Pandora
! colspan=3 | [Below is the right column.]
| rowspan= 3|Upsilon Andromidae||c||Stampy
|e||Ham Sphere
| rowspan= 3|HD 20794||b||Cosmic Sands
|d||Planet with Arms
|HD 85512||b||Lax Morality
| rowspan= 6|HD 40307||b||Good Planet
|e||Spare Parts
|f||New Jersey VI
|g||How Do I Join the IAU
| rowspan= 3|Gliese 163||b||Neil Tyson’s Mustache
|d||Hair-Covered Planet
|Pi Mensae||b||Moon Holder
|HD 189733||b||Permadeath
|Kepler-22||b||Blue Ivy
|Kepler-3255||b||Unicorn Thresher
|Kepler-2418||b||Spherical Discworld
|Kepler-1686||b||Emergency Backup Earth