July 10, 2013
#1236: Seashell explain

[At the top of the panel is an equation showing Bayes’ Theorem for the probability that a person is near the ocean given that they just picked up a seashell.]
P(I’m near the ocean|I picked up a seashell) =
P(I picked up a seashell|I’m near the ocean)P(I’m near the ocean)
P(I picked up a seashell)
[The probability that I’m near the ocean given I picked up a seashell equals the probability I picked up a seashell given I’m near the ocean times the probability I’m near the ocean all divided by the probability I picked up a seashell.]
[Cueball holds a seashell and stands to the left of the panel, to the right, a few birds are flying around and the sound of a wave crashing against the shore is depicted.]
Crashhh Sploosh
Statistically speaking, if you pick up a seashell and don’t hold it to your ear, you can probably hear the ocean.