May 15, 2013
#1212: Interstellar Memes explain

[On a black background yellow circles and white bubbles are shown. Caption above the picture:]
If other star systems are listening in on our pop culture, given the speed-of-light delay, these are the jokes and catchphrases they just learned about and are currently repeating way too much:
[On a black background a map of star systems in relation to the Sun, which is roughly in the center, sending out radio waves is shown. Each star is a yellow circle of differing sizes, with a speech bubble (or more). The list is ordered from closest to furthest.]
Proxima Centauri: I’m on a boat!
Alpha Centauri A B: The cake is a lie! – ♪ Never gonna give you up ♫
Luhman 16: I can haz?
Barnard’s star: Leave Britney alone! – ♫ Chocolate Raaaiiin ♫
Wolf 359: Chuck Norris doesn’t sleep. He waits.
Lalande 21185: ♬ Numa numa ♪
Sirius: I still can’t believe Bellatrix– – Dude, get over it.
Gliese 65: INTERNETS!
Epsilon Eridani: Ninjas fight all the time!
Procyon: …God kills a kitten! – A what?
Epsilon Indi: You’re the man now, dog!
Tau Ceti: All your base are belong to us.
Luyten’s Star: Peanut Butter Jelly Time!
Kapteyn’s star: My spoon is too big!
Kruger 60: MORE COWBELL!
Gliese 1: Look at the tiny dancing Earth mammals!
Van Maanen’s star: WASSSUUP!?!
Ad Leonis: Oh my God, they killed Kenny! – You bastards!
70 Ophiuchi: Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger. – What’s a burger? – I don’t know.
Altair: Mr. T ate my balls!
Sigma Draconis: Oh … my … gaawd.
Delta Pavonis: I want the truth. – You can’t handle the truth!
Gliese 892: Hasta la vista, baby.
Xi Boötis: Did I do that?
HR 753: D’oh!
Beta Hydri: Yippie-ki-yay, motherfucker.
Vega: Resistance is futile.
Zeta Tucanae: Let’s get ready to ruuumble!
HR 1614: Where’s the beef?
Groombridge 1830: I pity the fool!
Delta Trianguli: May the Force be with you.
Beta Virginis: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Arcturus: You talkin’ to me ?
Beta Trianguli Australis: I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.
Lamda Aurigae: You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’
Capella: And now for something completely different.
HD 211415: Live long and prosper. – Ok.
51 Pegasi: Name’s bond. James Bond.
Caph: Take me to your leader! – No, Steve.
Kappa Reticuli: Here’s lookin’ at you, kid.
Alpha Hydri: Rosebud.
Gienah: Ehh, what’s up doc?
Alpha Serpentis: Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.