May 10, 2013
#1210: I'm So Random explain

[Black Hat is sitting in an office chair at a desk when Hairy runs up behind him with his arms raised up.]
Hairy: Monkey tacos!
Hairy: I’m so random.
[A frame-less panel pans to Black Hat and his desk, showing there is a computer on his desk and that he is actually typing on a keyboard in front of him on a lowered shelf.]
Black Hat: Yeah, me too.
[Black Hat swivels his chair around (as shown with a gray curved line beneath the chair at his feet) to face Hairy. He then emits from his mouth a massive speech bubble filled with random numbers in gray. This torrent of random numbers knocks Hairy to the ground as he shields his face with one arm while the other grasps for the floor to cushion his fall (it is notable that speech bubbles are not normally used in xkcd.) The numbers themselves are written deliberately haphazardly and in varying sizes, which makes it difficult to read them in any consistent manner; however, for reasons explained above, there is actually some order, and using that order they would appear like this:]
Black Hat:
[With Hairy gone, Black Hat has turned back and resumed working at his computer.]