March 25, 2013
#1190: Time explain

===Scene 1 (The castle and the sea)===
+00:00 [Megan and Cueball sitting on a beach near a ocean.]
+01:00 [Megan looks back.]
+02:00 [Cueball looks back.]
+03:00 [Megan looks up.]
+04:00 [Megan reclines. Cueball looks at her.]
+06:00 [Cueball gets up and inspects the water.]
+07:30 [Cueball “puts a toe in the water”.]
+09:00 [Cueball returns to sit next to the still reclining Megan.]
+09:30 [Megan sits up.]
+12:00 [Megan and Cueball start to build a sandcastle.]
Cueball: Later
Megan: Bye
[Cueball leaves, Megan continues to build the sandcastle.]
+37:00 [Cueball returns and both continue to build.]
+43:30 [Megan leaves, Cueball continues to build.]
+51:00 [Cueball accidentally slips and destroys part of the castle.]
+61:30 [Cueball completes the sandcastle and leaves.]
+73:00 [Cartoon zooms out, showing more construction has been taking place off-screen to the left.]
+81:00 [Megan plants flags on original sandcastle.]
+83:00 [Megan sits down at the beach.]
+83:30 [Cueball finished sandcastle on the left and moves to Megan at the beach.]
Megan: Wanna swim?
Cueball: Yeah.
[They both enter the water and exit the picture.]
+86:00 [Castle at far left begins to crumble.]
+87:00 [Megan back on the beach, Cueball off screen.]
Megan: Pffthh
Megan: *cough*
Cueball: You OK?
Megan: Just got some in my mouth.
+91:00 [Cueball takes down two flags and makes the two sandcastles into one large sandcastle.]
+106:30 [A rock, fired by Megan with a small trebuchet, smashes part of the castle Cueball just finished.]
+107:30 [Megan partially re-enters the scene from stage right.]
+108:00 [Megan has fully re-entered the scene, pulling the small trebuchet into the scene with her.]
+109:00 [Megan launches an object towards the sandcastle.]
+110:00 [The object launched by Megan hits the sandcastle, Cueball looks upset.]
+111:30 [Cueball joins Megan at the trebuchet and launches one himself. They alternate launching projectiles.]
+114:30 [Cueball launches an object straight up into the air.]
+115:30 [They run as the object falls back down. Cueball leaves a few frames later, Megan stays and works on building a large mound in the destroyed center of the castle.]
+186:00 [Cueball returns, Megan is working on top of a large mound she’s built, as she turns around and stands up to see Cueball, she slips down the side of the mound. Cueball rushes in and helps her rebuild it and flatten out the top.]
+199:00 [Building the mound.]
Megan: Any idea where the river is now?
Cueball: Still pretty far out. It’s actually retreated a little this week.
+248:00 [Cueball begins constructing a miniature version of the sand structure.]
+263:00 [Megan walks in and notices.]
+280:00 [Megan re-enters with miniature trebuchet.]
+281:00 [Megan shoots the miniature sand structure with the miniature trebuchet.]
Megan: I don’t understand what the sea is doing.
Cueball: I don’t think we can build it much taller than this. It’s been fun, though!
+296:00 [Cueball leaves. Megan turns and examines the structure.]
+300:00 [Megan brings in a rod, and puts it down.]
+329:00 [Megan begin construction using the various supplies she has delivered.]
+342:00 [Cueball returns and begins to help with the construction.]
+362:00 [Megan leaves.]
+365:00 [Cueball “sip"s the water.]
+366:00 [Cueball spits.]
Cueball: Pfffth
Cueball: Pthuh!
Cueball: Yuck.
Cueball: I’ve had worse.
+377:00 [Megan returns and starts making a levee.]
+410:00 [Cueball and Megan have stranded themselves on top of their new construction by building over their ladder.]
Cueball: Guess one of us should climb down.
Megan: Yeah.
Megan: The sea is rising.
Cueball: Yeah.
+421:00 [Megan shimmies down a support column to re-position the ladder.]
+426:00 [Water level reaches lowest point of castle. Megan’s levee restrains it from here on out.]
Cueball: Sea level rises and falls, right? It’s changed before.
Megan: Not this fast.
Cueball: The river hasn’t even reached the sea yet.
Megan: The river is small
The sea is big.
Cueball: How big?
Megan: I don’t know.
Megan: Does it rain on the sea?
Cueball: I don’t know.
Cueball: If it does, it seems like a waste.
Cueball: It rains in the hills where the river comes from, right?
Megan: Sure.
Cueball: Are there other rivers?
Megan: I don’t know.
Cueball: There must be other rivers.
Otherwise the sea would dry up.
Megan: Maybe it’s coming out of the ground.
Cueball: Does that happen?
Megan: I don’t know.
Megan: I don’t know how the sea works.
Cueball: I don’t know how anything works.
+541:00 [The levee finally starts to give way.]
+543:00 [Megan and Cueball get down and look at the water, where the levee is now submerged.]
+547:00 [Megan begins transferring sand to Cueball via a pulley and bucket system.]
+552:00 [Megan attempts to hoist herself up using said pulley and bucket system.]
+554:00 [Megan loses her balance and falls off.]
+555:00 [Megan lands heavily on sandcastle. She holds her head in pain. Cueball looks on in horror.]
+557:00 [Cueball goes to check if Megan is okay. Megan gets up.]
+559:00 [Megan starts rebuilding the part of the sandcastle she damaged when she fell. Cueball returns to building. The water level has reached the tower on the right and begins to erode it.]
+565:00 [Megan finishes repairing the damage and heads up the ladder to help Cueball build his sandcastle on top of the platform.]
+604:00 [Cueball exits.]
+671:00 [Megan, having finished work on the platform-castle, takes a nap on the platform.]
+678:00 [A girl in a beret enters the frame, looks at the sandcastle and leaves.]
+697:00 [Megan begins turning lowest castle into a new, higher levee.]
+707:00 [Megan brings Cueball back.]
Megan: I don’t think it’s going to stop.
Cueball: The sea can’t just make more of itself forever.
Megan: It can do whatever it wants. It’s the sea.
Cueball: There must be a reason. There’s a reason for everything.
Megan: Yeah.
Megan: But it’s not always a good reason.
Cueball: There must be other rivers. Maybe something is wrong with them.
Megan: I like our castle.
Cueball: I think it’s going to go away.
Megan: Yeah.
Megan: Do you think there are other rivers?
Cueball: Something is adding water to the sea.
Megan: Does it have to be water? Maybe something is adding more land somewhere. And it’s making the sea overflow.
Cueball: Or maybe it’s just raining somewhere. We have no idea what’s out there.
Megan: Yeah.
Megan: Want to find out?
Cueball: Yes.
Megan: I’ll get some bags.
Megan: bye.
+761:00 [Megan exits.]
+775:00 [The entire scene begins a slow fade to white. The ’tide’ continues to rise and the castle on the right continues to be subsumed.]
+830:00 [Beret Girl drops in for one frame. The fade and tide continue.]
+847:00 [Beret Girl drops in again, dragging something. The fade and tide continue.] (This detail is not visible without an aid to undo the fade.)
+850:00 [The entire scene is white.]