February 13, 2013
#1173: Steroids explain

[Megan is walking while an energy sphere (Sphere) floats behind her and talks to her. The sphere is black but surrounded by six outwardly-curved segments that are shaded gray. The white parts in between makes it look like it irradiates light out along these lines.]
Sphere: Explain to me this “steroid scandal.”
[Zoom in on Megan’s face while she holds a hand to her chin.]
Megan: Well, uh…
Megan: We humans are sacks of chemicals which stay alive by finding other chemicals and putting them inside us.
[Megan has turned around facing towards the Sphere to the left. She holds up one hand palm up.]
Megan: We hold contests to see which humans are fastest and strongest.
Megan: But some humans eat chemicals that make them too fast and strong.
[Megan still facing the Sphere holds her arms out.]
Megan: And they win contests!
Sphere: That does sound bad.
Megan: It’s awful!