December 6, 2013
#1300: Galilean Moons explain

[Megan, who is being orbited by four small floating balls, approaches Cueball.]
Megan: Check it out!
Cueball: What?
Megan: I’ve got Galilean moons!
[Io is at the point in its orbit closest to Cueball.]
Io: Hi!
[Io, which completes a full orbit in each panel, is again near Cueball, as is Europa this time.]
Io: Hi!
Europa: What’s your name?
[Io alone again.]
Io: Hi!
[Europa returns to its position near Cueball with Io, and Ganymede joins them.]
Io: Hi!
Europa: What’s your—
Ganymede: MOOOOOON!
[Io alone again.]
Io: Hi!
[Europa and Io again.]
Io: Hi!
Europa: What’s your name?
Callisto: [on the other side of Megan] Ugh.
[Io alone again.]
Io: Hi!
Callisto: So annoying.
[Europa, Ganymede, and Io again.]
Io: Hi!
Europa: What’s y—
Ganymede: MOOOOOON.
[Io alone again. Callisto nudges toward Cueball.]
Io: Hi!
Callisto: …almost… …almoooost…
[Io and Europa again. Callisto enters an orbit around Cueball.]
Io: Hi!
Europa: What’s your name?
Callisto: Yessss!