September 10, 2012
#1106: ADD explain

[Cueball is holding a balloon with “Math Problem” written on it. He is running to grab a balloon labeled “Call Mom” that is floating away.]
[Cueball is now holding both balloons, but looks over his shoulder and sees a balloon that reads “Check Oven”.]
Cueball: !!
[Cueball releases the balloons he had been holding and runs for the third.]
[Cueball jumps for the “Check Oven” balloon and snatches it just before it is out of reach.]
Cueball: Hah!
[Full width panel showing 16 balloons floating away and one Cueball is holding. The balloons are different sizes and colors, and are floating at different heights. They are labeled as follows from left to right. Listed as * Label - color - height order (1 is the lowest balloon). Listed as * Label - size - size order (A is smallest)]
*Parking Meter - blue - 11M
*Taxes - green - 3K
*Buy Soap - red - 12I
*Phone Call - green - 7H
*Relax - yellow - 6C
*Inbox - blue - 9G
*Clean - red - 13O
*Beat Game - green - 4D
*Feed Cat - yellow - 8L
*Drink Water - blue - 15Q
*Call Mom - red - 2A
*Math Problem - green - 3B
*Send Card - red - 14J
*Check Oven (Cueball is holding this one still) - yellow - 1E
*Engine Light - yellow - 10F
*Read - blue - 16N
*Breathe - blue - 5P