June 25, 2012
#1073: Weekend explain

[Cueball stands behind a lectern on a podium before a very large crowd.]
Cueball: We all hate Mondays. We’re all working for the weekend.
Cueball: But our chains exist only in our minds.
[Zoom in on Cueball from the lectern upwards, seen from an angle. He raises one hand in explanation. His text goes above the frame and is written in the top part of this panel which is frame-less.]
Cueball: Calendars are just social consensus.
Cueball: Nature doesn’t know the day of the week.
[Closer zoom on Cueball who looks straight out of the panel, the top of the lectern is just visible.]
Cueball: My friends—
Cueball: We can make today Saturday.
[Extreme close-up, the lectern now below the panel, and negative colors with Cueball and the text in white on a black background.]
Cueball: We can make it Saturday forever.