June 1, 2012
#1063: Kill Hitler explain

[Black Hat and Cueball stand in front of a double door, which bears the label ‘TIME door’. Black Hat has his hands on his hips.]
Black Hat: I finished my time machine, but it’s one-use-only.
Cueball: You gotta kill Hitler.
[Close-up of Black Hat, one hand palm upward.]
Black Hat: Why are you so obsessed with this Hitler guy? We have all of time we could explore!
[Close-up of Cueball with both hands palm upward.]
Cueball: He’s evil incarnate! He murdered millions and sparked global war! Everyone agrees—if you get a time machine, you kill Hitler.
[Black Hat enters the now open Time door as the other man looks on..]
Black Hat: Fine, fine, I get it! Calm down.
Black Hat: BRB, killing Hitler.
[Black Hat returns, shutting the door with one hand. Cueball has outstretched arms.]
Black Hat: There. Done. Are you happy?
Cueball: Thank you.
Black Hat: He was in some kind of bunker. 1945 was loud!
Cueball: NO!