April 9, 2012
#1040: Lakes and Oceans explain

[A Map of lakes and oceans showing the depths of various lakes and ocean attributes.]
Lakes and Oceans Depths and animal/ship/boat lengths are to scale; horizontal distance is not.
Fun Fact: The Edmund Fitzgerald, The Kursk, and The Lusitania all sank in water shallower than they were long.
[Vertical axis of depths, ranging from 1,000 m to 12,000 m.]
{| class=“wikitable”
| Edmund Fitzgerald
| Lake Superior
| Lake Michigan
| Lake Huron
| Lake Erie
| Lake Ontario
| Death Valley
| Great Slave Lake
| Crater Lake
| Loch Ness
| Lake Baikal
| Burj Khalifa
| Kursk
| Lusitania
| Aircraft Carrier
| Titanic
| Seawise Giant (largest ship ever)
| Free-diving depth record
| Scuba record
| Andrea Gail (probably)
| Bike tires go flat
| Pressure at this depth would pop the cork into a champagne bottle
| Pressure at this depth would force water back up a household faucet
| Emperor penguin
| Ohio-class nuclear sub depth limit
| Typhoon-class nuclear sub depth limit
| Blue whale
| Leatherback turtle
| Deepwater horizion
| Oil well
| Dead sea
| Kola borehole: Soviet project to try to drill through the Earth’s crust to the mantle just to see what would happen. Russians are awesome.
| Chilean mine
| Collapse
| Miner refuge
| Sperm whales dive this deep. They come up covered in wounds and sucker marks, so presumably there are big squid down here? … Man, we know nothing about the ocean.
| Mid-ocean ridge
| Titanic (sunk bow & stern)
| At this depth, if you shoot a hole in a pressurized scuba tank, instead of air rushing out, water rushes in.
| Abyssal plain
| Alvin depth limit
| David Bowie & Freddie Mercury
| Puerto Rico Trench
| Milwaukee Deep
| Marianas Trench
| Challenger Deep
| Mysterious door which James Cameron built his sub to reach and open. He will not say what he found within.
| The abyss. It’s rude to stare.
| Mauna Kea, Hawaii (accurate horizontal scale)
| Marianas trench (accurate horizontal scale)
| Oil