March 7, 2012
#1026: Compare and Contrast explain

[A checklist comparing “thee” to “a summer’s day” for a number of properties, displayed as separate rows in a table with 3 columns. The properties are shown in the first column with no header label, and the second and third columns have a header label of “Thee” and “A Summer’s Day” with a checkmark in one or both columns for each row.]
[Row 1]
Property: Fair, Temperate
Thee: Checked
A Summer’s Day: Checked
[Row 2]
Property: Hot, Sticky
Thee: Checked
A Summer’s Day: Checked
[Row 3]
Property: Short
Thee: Checked
A Summer’s Day: Not Checked
[Row 4]
Property: Harbinger of Hurricane Season
Thee: Not Checked
A Summer’s Day: Checked
[Row 5]
Property: Required for a Good Beach Party
Thee: Checked
A Summer’s Day: Checked
[Row 6]
Property: Major Cause of Heat Stroke in the Elderly
Thee: Not Checked
A Summer’s Day: Checked
[Row 7]
Property: Linked to Higher Rates of Juvenile Delinquency
Thee: Checked
A Summer’s Day: Checked
[Row 8]
Property: Sometimes Too Stifling
Thee: Checked
A Summer’s Day: Checked
[Row 9]
Property: Arrested for Releasing Snakes in Library
Thee: Checked
A Summer’s Day: Not Checked
[Row 10]
Property: Difficult to Focus on Work While I’m In
Thee: Checked
A Summer’s Day: Checked