March 16, 2012
#1030: Keyed explain

[Ponytail and Cueball are walking along.]
Ponytail: I broke up with him yesterday.
Cueball: That weird guy with the beret?
Cueball: Did he take it okay?
Ponytail: He seemed upset. He went out to my car—
Cueball: Uh oh
Ponytail: —and spent the whole night painting a really detailed key on the side.
Cueball: …Wait, what?
[Image of Beret Guy painting a giant key on the side of a car.]
Ponytail: Then he woke me up to ask what I thought of it.
Ponytail: He looked really proud.
[Beret Guy holding a paintbrush.]
Cueball: I … is he playing revenge mind games?
Ponytail: I genuinely can’t tell if he remembers that we broke up.