February 3, 2012
#1012: Wrong Superhero explain

[A giant praying mantis attacks a team of scientists, along with its legion of smaller-but-still-unusually-large mantises. Two of the scientists fight back, with a gun and a baseball bat respectively, while a third is in the mantis’ clutches, held aloft by his foot, his goggles falling off his face. Bullets whiz by the giant mantis’ head and a fourth scientist hides behind a desk, on which rests a microscope and an Erlenmeyer flask. A man in a cape approaches the hiding scientist.]
Etymology-man: Ah, no—you wanted ENTOmology-Man, spelled with an “N”. See, it’s from the Greek entomon, meaning “insect,” which is itself the neuter form of entomos, meaning “segmented” or…