February 24, 2012
#1021: Business Plan explain

[6 small panels extend across the width of the comic…]
[Beret Guy stands on a shoreline and takes in the environment in silent contemplation.]
[In a frame-less panel, Beret Guy heads off with an idea fresh in his head.]
[Beret Guy saunters back with a jar, some bread, and a signboard.]
[Beret Guy tears the bread off into pieces.]
[Beret Guy sets up the signboard, with its contents yet to be revealed.]
[Beret Guy heads off and waits for the plan to unfold.]
[A large full-width panel below the first 6 small panels shows the same beach, this time with Megan and Cueball standing in front of and reading the sign. Cueball scratches his head. The bread has attracted quite a few gulls. There is a label on the jar.]
Jar label: $
Sign: Gulls for sale