November 26, 2012
#1139: Rubber and Glue explain

[Playground. Jill is balancing on a swing, two Cueball-like kids are swinging and two more kids, a young Cueball and a young Hairy are approaching a reading young Black Hat, whose hat is almost too big for his small head.]
Hairy: Whatchya reading, Hatboy?
Black Hat: The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
Cueball: You are such a loser, it’s painful.
Black Hat: I’m rubber, you’re glue.
[In a frame-less panel Hairy and Cueball looks down on Black Hat sitting with his book in his lap on the ground between them. He looks back up over his shoulder at Hairy.]
Hairy: Yeah, well—
Black Hat: Glue can’t speak.
Black Hat: You try to scream, but your mouth fills with glue.
Black Hat: Your face is glue. Your body is glue.
[Black Hat has left the book on the ground behind him and has risen. Hairy and Cueball is now together to the right and Black Hat advances towards them arms stretched out. Hairy steps backwards away from him.]
Black Hat: I wrap my rubber arms around your sticky bulk.
Black Hat: Your neoprene base bonds instantly with my surface.
Black Hat: Never to let go.
[Zoom in on Black Hat’s head. He is holding his arms up in front of him clapping them together. Hairy shouts from off panel.]
Black Hat: You are glue. I am rubber.
Black Hat: Staring at you with my dead, rubber eyes-
Black Hat: Forever.
Hairy (off-panel): Moooom!