November 12, 2012
#1133: Up Goer Five explain

US Space Team’s Up Goer Five
The only flying space car that’s taken anyone to another world (explained using only the ten hundred words people use the most often)
[A list of Saturn-V parts, top to bottom, with their “Up Goer” description follows.]
[Launch Escape System (LES)]: Thing to help people escape really fast if there’s a problem and everything is on fire so they decide not to go to space
[LES side nozzle]: Thing to control which direction the escaping people go
[LES fuel]: Stuff to burn to make the box with the people in it escape really fast
[LES bottom nozzles]: Place where fire comes out to help them escape
[Apollo spacecraft.]
[Command Module (CM)]: Part that flies around the other world and comes back home with the people in it and fall in the water.
[CM capsule parts]: People box, door, chairs
[Service Module (SM)]: Part that goes along to give people air, water, computers and stuff. It comes back home with them but burns up without landing.
[SM oxygen tanks]: Cold air for burning (and breathing). This part had a VERY big problem once.
[Lunar Module (LM)]: Part that flies down to the other world with two people inside
[LM descent stage]: Part that stays on the other world (it’s still there)
[LM feet]: Feet that go on the ground of the other world
[Instrument Unit]: Ring holding most of the computers
[S-IVB third stage]: Part that falls off third (this part flew away from our world into space and hit the world we were going toward)
[Fuel tanks]: Wet and very cold
[Liquid hydrogen (LH2) tank]: The kind of air that once burned a big sky bag and people died and someone said “Oh, the [humans]!” (used for burning)
[Liquid oxygen (LOX) tank]: The part of air you need to breathe, but not the other stuff (used for burning)
[Helium pressurizing tanks]: Things holding that kind of air that makes your voice funny (it’s for filling up the space left when they take the cold air out to burn it.)
[J-2 engine nozzle]: Fire comes out here
[S-II second stage]: Part that falls off second
[LH2 tank]: More sky bag air (for burning) (cold + wet)
[LOX tank]: More breathing-type air (for burning) (cold + wet)
[Tank-to-engine fuel lines]: Thing that brings in cold wet air to burn
[J-2 engine nozzles (qty. 5)]: Fire comes out here
[S-IC first stage]: Part that falls off first
[LOX tank]: More breathing-type air (for burning) (cold + wet)
[Helium pressurizing tank]: More funny voice air (for filling up space)
[LOX fill line]: Opening for putting in cold wet air
[RP-1 fuel tank]: This is full of that stuff they burned in lights before houses had power.It goes together with the cold air when it’s time to start going up.
[F-1 engine nozzles (qty. 5)]: Lots of fire comes out here.
[Bottom of spacecraft]: This end should point toward the ground if you want to go to space. If it starts pointing toward space you are having a bad problem and you will not go to space today.