January 18, 2012
#1005: SOPA explain

[A completely black panel with white text. All non-capital letter, in square brackets:]
[don’t censor the web.]
[Hidden in the background, and only visible under certain conditions, is an inverted Black Hat (i.e. white), with the text from above still visible written across his forehead. Above him is the first line of text, and then he speaks the next line:]
A message from sysadmins everywhere:
Black Hat: Seriously, don’t screw with DNS. If you break this internet, we are not making you a new one.
[Below the black panel is a visible message from Randall written normally black on white in xkcd style.]
I make my living drawing xkcd, which wouldn’t have been possible if people
hadn’t been able to freely share my comics with each other all over the internet.
As a copyright holder and small business owner, I oppose SOPA and PIPA.
[Randall Munroe’s signature, with a little drawing of Cueball on one of the tails. Below that a last message.]
Randall Munroe
See the links below to learn more.