September 26, 2011
#956: Sharing explain

[Megan and Cueball hang out in front of a tree.]
Megan: Whoa. What’s this?
Cueball: What’s what?
Megan: This tree has a USB port.
Cueball: Try connecting to it, I guess.
[Megan brings out a laptop and connects to it.]
Megan: It’s offering up a drive with one file on it.
Cueball: What’s the file?
Megan: An eBook. “Shel_Silverstein_-_The_Giving_Tree.azw”
Cueball: Never heard of it. Let’s take a look!
Laptop: DRM Error: You have not purchased rights to view this title. Lending is not enabled.
Cueball: Huh. Oh well.
Megan: Let’s go see what Mike is up to.
[The tree is alone.]