July 6, 2011
#921: Delivery Notification explain

[The first panel is a UPS InfoNotice®. Most of the text on it is just scribbles, though the company logo and header is clear.]
[Cueball opens their door to see the InfoNotice® stuck on his door.]
Cueball: What! I’ve been here all day!
Cueball 2 (off-screen): Huh?
Cueball: They have my laptop.
[Cueball and Cueball 2 are standing next to each other. Cueball has his arms to his sides, in annoyance.]
Cueball 2: So get it tomorrow.
Cueball: I fly out in the morning and they don’t open till noon!
Cueball 2: Sucks.
[Cueball stands, working on a laptop.]
Cueball: It’s right there. I can see the UPS building on the map.
Cueball 2 (off-screen): Ok…
[Dramatic zoom to the Cueball’s upper torso and face, along with clenched fist.]
Cueball: My laptop is there.
Cueball: It’s mine.
Cueball: I’m going to get it.
[Even more dramatic zoom! Cueball’s face fills the panel.]
Cueball 2 (off-screen): They won’t let you.
Cueball: Who are they to keep from me what is mine?
Cueball 2 (off-screen): Dude, they—
[Zoomed out on Cueball, who spins around, raising a finger.]
Cueball: A quest is at hand!
Cueball 2(off-screen): Security’s gonna throw you out.
Cueball: I fear neither death nor pain. But I will not go unarmed.
[Three inset panels overlap, in a montage format.]
[Elves in long robes stand around a table, on which lies a broken sword.]
Light the beacons and send word to the Elves.
They must reforge the sword of my fathers.
[An Elf beats the sword together on an anvil.]
[An Elf rides a horse, silhouetted by the full moon.]
Ere dawn, I will go forth to the Sorting Depot.
[The Elf knocks at the door, sword in scabbard held under arm.]
Knock knock knock knock
[Cueball opens the door, to find a second InfoNotice® stuck on top of the first. The Elf is gone.]