July 18, 2011
#926: Time Vulture explain

[Cueball is watching a large black bird, with apparently fractal wings, which hovers above his Cueball-like friend who walks towards Cueball and now turns to look at the bird over his shoulder.]
Cueball: Dude, you’ve got a Time Vulture.
Friend: Holy crap! What is it?
[Zoom-in on Cueball who now looks at his friend who are now standing close to Cueball looking up at the bird off-panel.]
Cueball: They’re predators that use aging to kill prey.
Friend: Huh? What do you mean?
[The panel zooms in on the Cueball’s face. The friends reply comes from off-panel.]
Cueball: They live for millennia and use little energy. They can slow down their internal clocks so time speeds past. To hunt, they lock on to some prey, and when it stops moving, they eat it.
Friend (off-panel): But what if the prey doesn’t die?
[Zoom out to Cueball and his friend that now look at each other.]
Cueball: I don’t think you quite understand.
Friend: I mean, I’m not about to die…
Cueball: From the vulture’s viewpoint, everyone says that moments before they do.