June 10, 2011
#910: Permanence explain

[A large panel the combined width of the four panels below it.]
[A blue Linux terminal installer screen with a grey box that is labeled “[!]CONFIGURE THE NETWORK” in red. Below, in black, it reads “Please enter the hostname for the system.” Below is an empty blue entry box with a cursor and dashed underscore, and below this it says “”.]
[Cueball sits at his computer, Megan stands behind him.]
Megan: You’ve been staring at that screen a while.
Cueball: Picking a good server name is important.
[Megan stares at him.]
[She continues to stare.]
[Cueball pushes his chair back, puts one elbow on the back of the chair and points with his other hand at the screen.]
Megan: And yet you settled on “Caroline” for our daughter in like 15 seconds.
Cueball: But this is a server!
Cueball: Besides, I had to—you were trying to name her “Epidural.”
Megan: Those were good drugs.