May 25, 2011
#903: Extended Mind explain

[An IM window is open over a Chrome window with tabs for Spark Plug, Feeler Gauge, and Wikipedia.]
Message with Mike1979
Mike1979: I replaced my spark plugs and now my car is running weird.
Me: The spark gap might be off.
Me: You can check with a feeler gauge.
Mike1979: What should the gap be?
Me: Usually between 0.035" and 0.070".
Me: But it depends on the engine.
[An IM window is open over a Chrome window with a single Wikipedia tab, marked ERROR. The page says: “Wikipedia has a problem. Try waiting a few minutes and reloading (can’t contact the database server: unknown error (]
Message with Mike1979
Mike1979: I replaced my spark plugs and now my car is running weird.
Me: What is a spark plug??
Me: Help
Me: What is a car??
When Wikipedia has a server outage, my apparent IQ drops by 30 points.