March 9, 2011
#870: Advertising explain

Mathematically Annoying Advertising:
A ∪ B = {x:x ≤ 15 or x > 15} = ℝ
[line graph representing the above equation.]
When discussing real numbers, it is impossible to get more vague than “up to 15% or more”.
["FREE!*" in large text, with substantial illegible fine print.]
If someone has paid $x to have the word “free” typeset for you and N other people to read, their expected value for the money that will move from you to them is at least $(x / (N+1))
[Graph representing inverse relationship between “amount you spend” on the y axis and “amount you save” on the x axis.]
It would be difficult for the phrase “the more you spend the more you save” to be more wrong.