February 2, 2011
#855: 1999 explain

[Three sections of white text in a black background.]
It’s easy to forget, as we heap awards on The Social Network,
That before there was Facebook, MySpace, or even Friendster…
One website dreamed bigger than them all.
[Cueball and another are talking.]
Cueball: People like doing stuff. So why not build a website that offers that?
Another: Offers what? What would I do there?
Cueball: Anything! The only limit is yourself!
[Another scene. Hacker, wearing headphones and oblivious, working at computer. Cueball runs in to interrupt; Another holds him back.]
Cueball: Hey, we need more—
Another: Don’t–he’s wired in.
Hacker: The infinite is possible.
Another: Or baked. It’s hard to tell.
[Cueball and another at table in bar.]
Cueball: It’s time to monetize. We could make millions!
Another: No way. A million dollars isn’t cool. You know what’s cool?
Cueball: A billio–
Another: Circles.
[Long shot in bar. Drinks on table in foreground; dim figures in doorway in background; Cueball, alone, shouting into the distance.]
Cueball: Hey–a tip: drop the dot.
Cueball: Just “Zombocom”.
Cueball: It’s cleaner.