February 16, 2011
#861: Wisdom Teeth explain

[Megan is seen side-on, with her right arm raised & bent at the elbow to hold a partly-visible cellphone up to her ear. Cueball appears in a small inset panel halfway up the left side of Megan’s panel, holding a cell phone against his cheek.]
Cueball: Hey! Know how you’ve been bugging me to play Minecraft for the past year? I’m game.
Megan, on phone: But you said you didn’t want to “get hooked and spend days on end moving virtual cubes around while sitting motionless.” What changed?
[In the second panel, Cueball is sitting in front of a coffee table as seen from his right side, with thin lines representing a stack of magazines on top of the table & a small potted plant with four leaves on the other side.]
Cueball, on phone: I’m having my wisdom teeth out, and I’ll be useless and doped up on painkillers for the next few days, so that actually sounds like the perfect distraction.
Megan, on phone: Oh. I’ll set you up on our server!
[A caption box on top of the third panel reads:]
72 hours later…:
[Megan is sitting at a desk, her phone again raised to her right ear. She is looking at a LCD monitor standing on top of her desk, while her left hand is on the keyboard shelf.]
Megan, on phone: Hey — starting to feel better? Enjoying the game? Let’s see what you’ve… What the hell? Where IS everything?
[View of a Minecraft screen showing a vast empty expanse of land. In Megan’s hotbar is, from left to right, an stone pickaxe, sword, and shovel, seven feathers, 42 torches, a non-enchanted bow, a blank space, 64 blocks of stone and a clock. He has full health and 15 armor points.]
Megan, offscreen: …You made the entire continent perfectly flat?
Cueball, offscreen: And sorted it into layers.
Megan, offscreen: …
Cueball, offscreen: I feel good about things. This is a good game.
[Cueball is sitting on the floor at his laptop, bleeding from the mouth, surrounded by bloody wadded-up tissues and holding a bottle of medication.]
Megan, on phone: …What exactly is in the painkillers they gave you?
Cueball, woozy: I can’t read the label because I’m a hologram.