November 4, 2011
#973: MTV Generation explain

[Teenager playing with phone walks in background. White Hat and Megan are in the foreground.]
White Hat: See, that’s the problem with the MTV generation— No attention span.
Teenager’s phone: Bleep bloop
[White Hat and Megan in frameless panel without teenager from previous panel.]
Megan: You know, that phrase referred to the 12-19 demographic that formed the core MTV audience in the mid-1980s.
[Zoom in on Megan with White Hat off-panel to the left.]
White Hat (off-panel): Uh huh? So?
Megan: That generation’s now in their 40s.
[Zoom back out to White Hat and Megan, with White Hat scratching his head and looking away.]
White Hat: That can’t be right.
Megan: Face it: Your problem with the MTV generation is their kids.