November 30, 2011
#984: Space Launch System explain

[Cueball, is holding something up to show it to Black Hat. It is small and rectangular with a black line in the middle (possible a rocket).]
Cueball: Check out the SLS — 130 tons to orbit. Finally, rockets that improve on the ones we had 40 years ago.
Black Hat: Are we getting Nazis to build those ones, too?
[Text is written between two frames, with two smaller frames below. A line comes up to Cueballs first comment, showing that it is still the two from the first frame talking, but off-panel.]
Cueball (off-panel): What?
Black Hat (off-panel): When we first captured von Braun and his team, we had our engineers interview them, then we built the rockets.
Black Hat (off-panel): But our rockets kept exploding.
[First small panel below the above text: A soldier with helmet and a machine gun is guarding von Braun who is tied to a chair, while being interviewed by an almost bald scientist (hair along the back of his head), who takes notes on a piece of paper.]
[Second small panel below the above text: The same scientist standing with the paper, watches as a launching rocket explodes. The landscape behind shows a hill.]
[A black frame with white text above the white Saturn V rocket flying through space.]
Black Hat (off-panel): Eventually we gave up and had the German teams do it, and they built us the Saturn V Moon rocket.
[Cueball is looking down, his hand with the thing he showed to Black Hat in the first panel hanging down. Black Hat looks at Cueball.]
Cueball: I’m… not sure what lesson to take from that.
Black Hat: “If you want something done right, learning from the Nazis isn’t enough. You have to actually put them in charge.”
Cueball: That’s a terrible lesson.
Black Hat: Then I guess you should get a Nazi to come up with a better one.