November 18, 2011
#979: Wisdom of the Ancients explain

[A poem is written outside and right justified along the left edge of the panel to the right.]
| style=“text-align:right;"|Never have I felt so close to another soul
| style=“text-align:right;"|And yet so helplessly alone
| style=“text-align:right;"|As when I Google an error
| style=“text-align:right;"|And there’s one result
| style=“text-align:right;"|A thread by someone with the same problem
| style=“text-align:right;"|And no answer
| style=“text-align:right;"|Last posted to in 2003
[Cueball stands in front of his desk, having risen so the chair has moved away behind him. He is holding on to his computer’s screen, looking at it while visibly shaking the screen and shouting at it.]
Cueball: Who were you, DenverCoder9?
Cueball: What did you see?!