January 7, 2011
#844: Good Code explain

[The comic is a flowchart. In order to explain this in text, follow the line numbers. Options follow on new lines without numbers.]
How to write good code.
[10.] Start Project. [Go to 20.]
[20.] Do things right or do them fast?
Fast [Go to 30.]
Right [Go to 40.]
[30.] Code fast. [Go to 35.]
[35.] Does it work yet?
No [Go to 30.]
Almost, but it’s become a mass of kludges and spaghetti code. [Go to 50.]
[40.] Code well. [Go to 45.]
[45.] Are you done yet?
No. [Go to 40.]
No, and the requirements have changed. [Go to 50.]
[50.] Throw it all out and start over. [Go to 10.]
[60.] ? [Go to 70.]
[70.] Good code.