September 22, 2010
#796: Bad Ex explain

[Cueball and White Hat are walking.]
Cueball: It just blows my mind. She seemed so genuine. I had no idea she was such a serial liar.
Cueball: I just wish I had our six months back.
[The view focuses on Cueball.]
Cueball: Her exes say the same thing happened to them.
Cueball: Maybe what we need is a terrible-ex tracking and notification service.
[Cueball turns, thoughtfully.]
White Hat: But after all the problems with sex offender registries, who would agree to run it?
Cueball: Maybe one of the state governments more willing to experiment could try it out…
[Megan and a person with glasses and a goatee are sitting at a table, on which sit wine glasses and plates. Cueball approaches them carrying a clipboard and a license.]
Cueball: Excuse me, ma’am.
Megan: Yes?
Cueball: This man is known to the state of California to be a total douchebag.