August 30, 2010
#786: Exoplanets explain

[Beret Guy runs into a bedroom arms up calling to someone who is in the bed under the covers. Only part of the bed is visible. The person under the covers speaks. Later part of his face can be seen, and it could be Cueball.]
Beret guy: Wake up! Wake up!
Cueball (under the cover): What is it?
[Beret Guy stands with his arms out talking to Cueball hiding under the covers of the bed now completely inside the panel.]
Beret guy: We’re alive during the time when they’re first discovering other planetary systems! They’re finding them as fast as they can build new instruments to look for them!
[In this frame-less panel only Beret Guy is shown standing with one arm out and one arm up looking left away from the off-panel bed.]
Beret Guy: And if one of Earth’s cultures advances its space program enough to start enriching uranium on asteroids, we’ll lose the main barrier to restarting Project Orion and building nuke-riding city-ships!
[Beret Guy bends down, hands on his knees, to eye level with Cueball in the bed, who is finally peeking out from the covers, only showing part of his face (so it could be any character, as any hair could be hidden, and the hat could be on the bed stand).]
Beret Guy: The only known technology capable of fast interstellar travel could be operational within just a few generations, and we’re discovering all these destinations to pick from!
Beret Guy: Come on!
Cueball: Can I hit “snooze”?
Beret Guy: Okay, but just once!