August 27, 2010
#785: Open Mic Night explain

[Megan on stage, holding microphone, hip-hop stance.]
Megan: Yo, I’m M.C. Aphasia and I’m here to say that, I… Uh…
Megan: …Um…
Megan: …Hi?
[Black Hat on stage, holding microphone.]
Black Hat: So I… oh? Does she? Well, when yo mama sits around the house, she finds herself wishing she’d finished her degree instead of having kids right away, maybe started that business. Then she might have created something she’s proud of.
[Cueball on stage, holding microphone, fist pumping toward audience.]
Yo, I’m M.C. Quine
and I’m here to say,
“Yo, I’m M.C. Quine
and I’m here to say!”
[Beret Guy on stage, holding microphone.]
Beret Guy: Ever notice how men go to the restroom alone, while women go in hordes ten thousand strong, clad all in sable armor and bristling with swords and spears?
Audience member (off-screen): Those are orcs.
Beret Guy: Oh.