August 23, 2010
#783: I Don't Want Directions explain

[Cueball on phone.]
Cueball: Looking forward to seeing your new place! What’s the address?
Cueball: Mm hmm. Yes, I’m taking 495, but I have a GPS, so I really just need the street address.
[Close up.]
Cueball: …then south on 18, okay, but I have a GPS, so if you just want to skip to the street address, I can…
[Full body shot, facing other direction.]
Cueball: Thanks, I’m glad to know Highland Road comes a mile after the big intersection, but I keep saying I have a GPS, can you tell me the street address?
Cueball: …
Cueball: Technically that’s just more information on how to get to your place, not the address itself. If you could-
[Close up again, Cueball writing on pad.]
Cueball: …I appreciate that you want to help, but I’m ignoring you and just waiting for the…
Cueball: Listen, I just remembered I need to mail you a letter. What’s your address?
Cueball: Mhm… okay…
Cueball: Great, thanks! I’ll see you in an hour!