March 10, 2010
#712: Single Ladies explain

[Sauron from the Lord of the Rings is sitting at a bar, where Beret Guy is bartending; Sauron is wearing his trademark helmet, but he’s hanging his head in apparent sadness or resignation. Music plays in the background.]
Music: All the single ladies, All the single ladies
Beret Guy: Hey Sauron, why so glum?
Sauron: Gil-galad saw through me and threw me out of Lindon. Galadriel as well. I’ll never rule anyone at this rate.
Music: All the single ladies, All the single ladies
Sauron: Eru created such beautiful creatures - Elves and men and dwarves - and all I’ve got are these stupid orcs.
Music: ‘Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
Sauron: I mean, I-
[Sauron is suddenly quiet.]
Music: If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it