February 19, 2010
#704: Principle of Explosion explain

[Cueball’s Cueball-like friend is talking to him.]
Friend: If you assume contradictory axioms, you can derive anything. It’s called the principle of explosion.
Cueball: Anything? Lemme try.
[Cueball is writing on a piece of paper on a desk.]
[Cueball is holding up a piece of paper to his friend, while holding a phone.]
Cueball: Hey, you’re right! I started with P∧¬P and derived your mom’s phone number!
Friend: That’s not how that works.
[The friend is looking at the piece of paper, while Cueball is talking to someone on a phone. The desk from before can be seen to the right.]
Cueball: Mrs. Lenhart?
Friend: Wait, this is her number! How—
Cueball: Hi, I’m a friend of— Why, yes, I am free tonight!
Friend: Mom!
Cueball: No, box wine sounds lovely!