December 20, 2010
#836: Sickness explain

[The three panels are arranged diagonally, upper left to bottom right.]
[Two people, Cueball and White Hat, are walking past a tree.]
White Hat: So, has this sickness opened you up to looking for answers beyond science?
Cueball: …no, not really.
[Cueball turns to face White Hat.]
Cueball: We’ve groped for comfort before the slings and arrows of fortune for millennia, and I begrudge nobody their sources of solace.
Cueball: But Science provides tools.
Cueball: $100 billion a year in scientific studies and medical R&D has bought us some pretty damn powerful slings and arrows of our own.
Cueball: This world is amazing, and I’m going to live to experience more of it thanks to people who refused to gracefully accept the ineffability of reality.
Cueball: I find my courage where I can, but I take my weapons from science.
Cueball: Because they work, bitches.